Stretched-curd cheeses

The growth of this market segment in terms of size and consumer research into organoleptic, sensorial qualities and hygiene standards calls for a cultural change among producers, especially SMEs, and an increasingly marked focus on automatic, innovative, safe and high-performance production and control technologies.

The number of Italian and foreign companies and relatively healthy competition no longer leave much room for those who still think that quality is assured simply by controlled-origin certification, or experience, or by the use of traditional production and packaging techniques, or the use of cheaper technologies.

The "Total Quality" concepts developed and introduced by companies in recent years, for the purposes of certification and production standards mandated by the European economic market, are to be considered more than valid for the purposes of protecting quality, safety and consumer needs.

Qualified levels can only be achieved through an entrepreneurial vision that looks to technological and process engineering excellence, as a solution for sustainable growth and business development.

Prototech, with its knowledge and expertise, is able to successfully support companies in this process of technological and qualitative development of the production process and acts as a qualified partner able to understand customer needs, analyse them and translate them into the best technological solution.

The importance in this sector of “by-products” should not be underestimated: for example, whey, which represents in quantitative terms about 85% - 87% of the volume of processed milk. Whey, if properly cooled and stored, is an excellent raw material for the manufacture of notable dairy products such as ricotta cheese and for the preparation of concentrates, whey powder, lactose, whey protein, etc.

The technology needed to transform these “by-products' into profitable products is of a high-tech nature and therefore requires a particularly ambitious and entrepreneurial business vision.

Stretched-curd cheeses
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